Sticky Johnson
Sticky Johnson Wax Case
An essential surf accessory! TWO blocks of New Zealand made tropical, cool, cold or warm wax, a wax comb and a spare leash tie, all in a handy storage case! And it smells amazing!
100% handmade in NZ, Sticky Johnson Surf Wax is a non toxic product which uses natural ingredients for superior traction. Our Deluxe surf wax has been scientifically engineered to provide a wax which is easy to apply, sticky, long lasting and super grippy!! Sticky Johnsons Deluxe Surf Wax is exported globally and is fastly becoming regarded as one of the best wax’s in the world! Grab a block and feel the difference…
Cold/Soft and Sticky - Water Temp <15C
Cool/Semi Soft and Sticky - Water Temp 16C-20C
Warm/Hard and Sticky - Water TEmp 20C-24C
Tropical/Hard/Basecoat - Water Temp 24C+