About Our Wetsuits

THINNEST // Japanese Yamamoto neoprene: our 3mm is as warm as other 4mm
WARMEST // Filled with Nitrogen closed cells: over 30% warmer than Chinese neoprene
LIGHTEST // Made from Limestone neoprene that does not absorb any water: dryer, lighter, and more flexible
BEST FITTING // Custom-fit: hand-crafted wetsuits made to your unique measurements

Seventhwave Wetsuits are made exclusively from Japanese Yamamoto neoprene simply because they consistently produce the best neoprene in the world. Yamamoto neoprene is:

 Made from limestone
 Exceptional thermal insulation
 Super light-weight
 Super stretchy
 Structured with uniquely high density cells

Made from Limestone

For over 40 years Yamamoto has set the standard for quality and innovation in the neoprene industry. Their advanced manufacturing techniques involving the use of special polymers made from limestone (as opposed to petroleum based) have led to the creation of a rubber that has a completely independent cell structure and multi-directional stretch capacity. An eco-friendly option for the 21st Century.

The closed cells are packed together at an extremely high density and each individual cell is filled with nitrogen gas to prevent water penetration and increase heat retention. The nitrogen closed cell content is over 93% — over 30% higher than most competing materials — and with virtually no water absorption means the weight of this rubber remains nearly identical in wet or dry conditions, giving you more warmth than thicker wetsuits without the weight.

Cell memory
Because of these special qualities, Yamamoto is super durable while remaining extremely stretchy. Super low modulus stretch with optimum cell recovery ensures a lightweight material with great strength and cell memory — in short, a durable, stretchy suit, that because of its special memory, moulds to your body shape without getting loose over time.

Did we mention superstretch? Yamamoto's highest elongation is 480-580%. Compare that to the highest elongation of the human skin under the arm, which is 60-70%. Just one of many reasons why Yamamoto is one of the quality neoprene developers in the world.

MR7000 superstretch, SCS (Super Composite Skin) and #38 Yamamoto are just some of the many Yamamoto materials we specialize in — all designed to maximize performance, ensure you stay in the water longer, and to produce the warmest, thinnest, lightest, best fitting wetsuit.

Read the full story on neoprene: its history, types, production and green credentials

The authority on neoprene...

Don't just take our word for it: hear what the Advertising Standards Authority had to say about the quality of our neoprene.


Titanium alloy alpha

Yamamoto Titanium Seventhwave Wetsuits 2 copy
Titanium Alloy Alpha is a super thin heat retaining film constructed out of the stuff used by NASA and specifically designed to increase heat by up to 40%. Used exclusively in our Hot Tops or inherent in our MR7000 superstretch neoprene, Titanium Alloy Alpha makes it possible to develop thinner, warmer, and lighter wetsuits that relegate the traditional, thicker neoprenes back to the dusty closet where they belong!

By simultaneously reflecting your bodyheat back onto the body and resisting cold air from the outside of the suit, Titanium Alloy Alpha really is space age stuff. [Learn more]



'Smoothie' has become a common way to describe single-sided nylon neoprene. This is neoprene with a nylon (fabric) finish on one side and a rubber finish (smoothie) on the other. The trend over the last 20 years has been to use smoothie in the center chest panel and center back panel. It was originally used in these panels to lower the wind chill factor, as after immersion in water the smoothie drained away any water particles. Because the smoothie did not hold water the wind chill factor against the chest was much lower.

At Seventhwave we use non-absorbent Limestone neoprene, we have found we no longer have to use smoothie. This enables us to make chest panels that last and do not separate at the seams as alot of smoothskin chest panels can do. 


Overlock is the original construction method for wetsuits. Two edges of neoprene are rolled together with a thread stitched tightly around them, making an extremely strong and durable method of construction but not overly comfortable as it is a raised seam. We now use a Flatlock seam for comfort and durability. 

Flatlock stitching is achieved by lapping the neoprene together in order to create a flat, comfortable and breathable seam perfect for spring, summer and autumn waters (around 12˚ upwards). Helping to eliminate the chaffing that was possible from the overlocked seams.  Flatlock is identified by a band of multi interlocked threads on both sides of the suit. This is our common seam in our summer wetsuits. 

Glued and Blindstitched methods are used when two panels are glued and butted together, they are then blindstitched on the outside and taped on the inside.  Blindstitching uses a curved needle and does not penetrate through to the other side of the neoprene, meaning a watertight seal. A glued seam is flat, supple, watertight and flexible. This construction method is commonly referred to as 'glued and stitched' and is used on all of our winter models.

Heat Sealed Tape allows us to completely tape the inside seams of our Glued models, reinforcing the water-tight construction and adding more comfort. Also used to reinforce joins and tension points on the inside of our other models, and great for repairs.

Zig-zag stitching is used to finish cuffs and collars, and sew in zips. It is superior to a straight stitch, as it will stretch with the neoprene.